There are two parts to a perfect wood finish, product and
application. Assuming that you have selected the best finish for the job
and adjusted its viscosity, now all you need to do is get it onto the
The desired effect is a thin even film on the surface of
the wood. You spray a wet edge and the move it across the surface,
keeping it wet enough so that everything flows together without
excessive build up that could lead to runs or sags. The amount of
material coming out of the gun, the distance you hold it from the woods
surface and the speed that you move it will combine to determine how
much finish you lay down. A situation could arise that you may find the
need to vary one of these elements, and yet compensate with the other
two and get good results. For the most part you want to leave 4-5 wet
mils of finish on the wood.
You can adjust the width of the fan to determine how
long of a wet edge you want to create, and also the amount of material
that flows out into that fan shape at any given time. The wider the fan
the more material that needs to flow out of the gun. The greater the
flow, the faster you have to move the gun. Keep in mind that a spray gun
is a precision tool. Material comes out very evenly across the length
and width of that fan. If you tilt or arc the gun as you move across the
wood you will not be applying an even coat. You have to keep the gun at
a right angle to the work, horizontally as well a vertically. For any
given flow of material, wet film thickness is determined by the distance
of the gun and speed that you move it across the surface.
When spraying you lock your wrist so that the gun
addresses the wood at the correct angle and then use your elbow,
shoulder, trunk and legs to move the gun over the surface at the correct
distance from the wood. A major problem that finishers have to overcome
is that the angle that you have to hold the gun at is un-natural and can
put a strain on the wrist and forearm. You have a normal tendency to
want to swing the gun from your shoulder. This windmill action will
result in less coating being applied at the beginning and end of a pass.
Always start spraying closest to your body and move the
wet edge from left to right and advance it towards the booth; that way
any overspray that lands on the wood is re-dissolved by the new wet
edge. Spray your edges first so that any overspray that lands on the
face and gets re-melted. Some people make a pass around the perimeter of
the face of the piece before spraying the surface. This is called
“boxing”. As you spray overlap your passes by 50.
When spraying a flat piece some like to use a “box
coat”. This is where you make your first pass across the grain and your
second pass with the grain. When you are shooting clears I don’t think
it makes a difference if you use a box coat or just spray both passes
either with or against the grain. When spraying a color it does help you
avoid stripes. Sometimes you simply have no choice in how to spray a
piece as there may be only one way that you can get at it.
The triggers on Conventional and HVLP guns have two
positions. As you start to pull the trigger, only air comes out the tip.
As you continue to pull the trigger the material flows and gets atomized
by the air stream. As you spray an object pull the trigger to the first
position and let the air flow. Right before the gun comes to the edge of
the object pull the trigger to position number two and let the material
flow. Right after the gun reaches the end of the object let off the
trigger until you only have air flow again. Throttling the material on
and off saves material and helps to keep the material from building up
on the air cap. By letting the air to continue to run thru the tip you
blow off any build up on the tip help keep it clean. This technique
takes a little getting used to, but after a while it becomes second